Case Study
Active leader produces active members
Ms. Seng Sineth, 17-year, lives in Damnak Chang Eur, Sangkat Prey Thom, Krong Kep, Kep Province. She is grade 10 student at Chamkar Doung high school. She has participated in Empowering Young Leader project since September 12, 2021. Even though, she is assiduous in study; her passion in personal growth, sharing knowledge to others and contributing to social development (be part of solving social issues) could not stop her intended commitment in leading the multi-tasks of the Prey Thom youth club because she believes it is a great personal growth opportunity.
Until now, she has formed her leadership from time to time by coordinating various youth club activities: 1) monthly meeting, 2) group discussion, 3) participatory action research, 4) event preparation (training and workshop), and 5) mini grant application. More specifically than this, those activities have sharpened her critical and logical thinking
She said: I am so happy with what I have shared to my team; especially, I have learned a lot in term of leadership and critical thinking by involving in this project.
Under informal coaching and corrective feedback from CWDCC’s Project Manager, Sineth has stronger confident on leading and managing 40 youth club members to actively involved in most youth club activities; especially, monthly meeting. As the result, the youth club members are accountable for their assigned roles because Sineth has delegated tasks to each member clearly and her good modality
Empowering Young Leader
Co-delivered by: CWDCC and Pact-Cambodia
Funded by: USAID

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