Mr. Maquis Koy has worked with CWDCC since January 2021 as Executive Director.
He has a strong foundation of leading organization-based policy, working system and strategic plan. In the previous time, he was an Executive Director with 2 local NGOs, one was based in Pursat Province and another one was based in Preah Sihanouk Province.

He always focuses on enabling good working environment that can build a strong and dynamic team work. He is a positive leader who uses mistake as a master for improving both personal and organizational performance. To more extend, he can cope with difficult situation and unexpected risks and sort it out unitedly.
He has a strong background in project management for many years with both local NGO and INGO. He is a leader who have working experience in delivering and managing various projects such as education, livelihood improvement, women empowerment, disability, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and so on.
“Working at best for Organizational Purposes to automatically co-response to social needs and improve your personal career goal”
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